A Conversation about Domestic Violence
Atos and Saving Jane host a Conversation about Domestic Violence

Flowers and Love - The Floral Experience
Join us for a heartwarming day of flowers and PHILANTHROPY at an exclusive event designed to teach you the art of the floral arrangement while supporting a vital cause. EVERY ticket sold will benefit Saving Jane, an organization committed to providing anti-human trafficking education.

Good Girl Gone Workshop
Every year, thousands of men, women, and children fall into the hands of traffickers in their own countries and abroad. Almost every country in the world is affected by trafficking. On July 30 at 5:00 pm, in honor of World Day Against Trafficking in Person, Saving Jane is hosting a FREE Good Girl Gone Workshop. Good Girl Gone is an innovative comic book series that educates young people about human trafficking. Please join us for the chance to learn about the work Saving Jane is doing in ensuring that our children and teens are equipped with skills that will put them at the front lines of their own self-protection against trafficking.

Schools Advisory Group Meeting on Anti-Trafficking Education
The link to register is here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tdeyprTwvGNcITcEWUoarT7KFOnJmnNXD

March Madness Against Human Trafficking & Online Grooming
Since the pandemic, online grooming investigations have increased by over 2,500. Saving Jane has aligned with SGAP Leaders, New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking, and 1Huddle to educate tweens and teens about the dangers of online grooming.
“Human trafficking is a global social justice issue that occurs in almost every neighborhood. We are proud to have come together to make it our mission to help put a stop to this issue.”
The alliance has developed content to educate tweens and teens to protect themselves from online perpetrators in a fun and engaging way! Take a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card or play with your class, troupe, or club to win other prizes!

Personal and Internet Safety Virtual Workshop
Saving Jane is teaming up with Girl Scouts and @sgap_leaders for an online workshop.
Come join us on October 20th for this Girl Scouts exclusive workshop:
RSVP link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6piobpBFDRY-_atUD0R6OoYaEyj-QMtWQO8AUqH1zpu8eHg/viewform

Saving Jane Music Fest - Try our app!
Be a part of the solution to human trafficking starting on August 6th, 2020. Join us and be part of this incredible online music festival to benefit human trafficking survivors and prevent new victims!
Learn the warning signs to protect your children and loved ones being trafficked
Find out how to report it so that you can make a difference
Learn about actual survivor experiences
Visit the link to find out more about the fest and our mobile application, https://www.savingjaneevents.com/

Stop Traffick: An Online Benefit Premiere of THE TURN OUT
On July 30, in honor of United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we are partnering with Theatrical-At-Home to host an online premiere of The Turn Out, an award-winning film that shines a light on sex trafficking at truck stops, inner family, and in rural communities.
Visit the link to buy tickets and support the cause - https://theatricalathome.com/products/theturnout.

Awareness Tuesday
This week on Awareness Tuesday we are happy to have Jan Edwards from Pave The Way Foundation presenting her film , a special performance by Elizabeth Withers hosted by Ethan Brooks Paisley.

Therapy Network Introduction
Free Online Introduction Workshop Designed For Mental Health Providers:
This online workshop will focus on presenting the Saving Jane Aftercare program available to therapists and social workers, serving as a bridge to connect providers with survivors of sex trafficking. Saving Jane will present providers with an introduction to a new healing modality, The Unconditional Model ("the Model") created by a survivor of sex trafficking, Anneke Lucas. A two-day training will be offered to all providers interested in joining the Saving Jane network.

Therapy Network Introduction
Free Online Introduction Workshop Designed For Mental Health Providers:
This online workshop will focus on presenting the Saving Jane Aftercare program available to therapists and social workers, serving as a bridge to connect providers with survivors of sex trafficking. Saving Jane will present providers with an introduction to a new healing modality, The Unconditional Model ("the Model") created by a survivor of sex trafficking, Anneke Lucas. A two-day training will be offered to all providers interested in joining the Saving Jane network.

Awareness Tuesday
Awareness Tuesday is a live streaming event, including a benefit concert and film screening aimed at supporting a humanitarian cause, spreading education and catalyzing social and cultural progress.

Youth Human Trafficking Prevention Summit
State Representative Teresa Fedor, of the 45th House District presents Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the Ohio Statehouse. Each year in Ohio, more than 1,000 children are trafficked in the sex trade and over 3,000 youth are at risk of becoming victims. This event brings together human trafficking awareness advocates, social workers, law enforcement and survivors to discuss the current state of human trafficking in Ohio and how to combat this issue.

1st Annual All World Fuel Charity Golf Tournament
This year All World Fuel Inc has chosen us as their charity to support! Join us in Florida!
Shotgun Start at 1pm.
Cost: $125/player or $500/foursome
All proceeds benefit Saving Jane!
Register by Phone: 386-227-0623
Register Here: https://www.savingjane.org/event-registrations

Life Preservers Project 10th Annual Summer FUN-draiser & Art Auction
Life Preserver’s 10th Annual Summer FUN-draiser & Art Auction that will leave you shaken and not stirred. This year we celebrate 10 years of bringing awareness around the issue of human trafficking and raising much needed funds for programs and resources to provide survivors.

Sake & Social!
In celebration of the first anniversary of Saving Jane, renown sake sommelier Yuki Minakawa is hosting our first annual Sake & Social!
Please join us at a fabulous location in Dumbo on Wednesday April 10th from 6-8 pm!
Tickets are $50 and include a sake tasting and light refreshments.
To RSVP and secure your space, text “ Sake1 to 44-321. You will get a text message back and will be prompted to get your tickets.
All proceeds go to benefit Saving Jane through our fiscal sponsor, the James J. Dudley Luce Foundation.

Learn how to teach Saving Jane's "Abolitionista! Good Girl Gone" comic book to your students and young community members. This free online training is intended for community leaders and educators who would like to empower their young people and protect them from online predators.
The Saving Jane "Abolitionista! Good Girl Gone" comic book is appropriate for ages 10+, tweens, teens and adults, and is provided at no cost to teachers, schools and community leaders.
Together, we are working for the freedom of all young people -- let's empower them with the knowledge to protect themselves from human trafficking and online predators.
Please join us from 3pm-5pm Eastern Time on Sunday, February 24! The online event link will be emailed out after your registration is complete and before the event.

Learn how this innovative tool has successfully been used to prevent human trafficking. This comic book series is distributed across the U.S. and has empowered 6,000 kids with the knowledge of how to protect themselves from online predators.

Saving Jane is hosting a FREE webinar on preventing human trafficking with comic books. This webinar is intended for teachers, community leaders and parents who would like to bring entertaining education tools to the young people in their community.

Charidy Fundraising Campaign
On October 16, 2018, Saving Jane is partnering with Charidy for a one day fund-a-thon to raise awareness and funding for the prevention of human trafficking. Together, we are working to end child exploitation.

Saving Face Campaign: For A Beautiful Cause
SAVING FACE...FOR A BEAUTIFUL CAUSE: On August 9, 2018, Dr. Tom McHugh of McHugh Plastic Surgery (Houston, Texas) will host the SAVING FACE campaign…